Time: 10am – 2pm
Date: Saturday 21 September 2019
Location: Samford Grove Retirement Village, 18 Camp Mountain Road, Samford
Join us at Samford Grove Retirement Village to celebrate the start of spring at our Samford Community Spring Fete!
On the day, you can explore local market stalls offering handmade goods and pre-loved treasures, enjoy a sausage sizzle lunch or a Devonshire tea and immerse yourself in everything the close-knit community of Samford has to offer.
This will be a fantastic day for the whole family, with live entertainment and face painting for the kids!
Entry is free and there will be a variety of raffle prizes with all proceeds from ticket sales going to the Samford Support Network.
For more information, please email info@samfordgrove.com.au or call (07) 3289 3372.