Samford Grove residents and special VIP guests have celebrated the village’s official completion in style with a special ribbon-cutting ceremony and lunch.

Local Federal Member for Dickson and Liberal Party Leader Peter Dutton was on hand to do the honours and say hello to residents, many of whom he has personally known for a long time.

Mr Dutton was joined by Bruce and Denise Morcombe of Reside’s charity partner, the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, and Reside Ambassador and leading journalist Kay McGrath.

Samford resident Olive Gilbey was asked to cut the celebration cake, alongside Reside Communities representatives.

Samford Grove is the only retirement community in the picturesque Samford Village and is now home to more than 160 residents after the extensive 3-year redevelopment.

Reside Communities CEO and Co-Founder Glen Brown said he was delighted to have Mr Dutton along to cut the ribbon to officially mark the project’s completion,

“Until now, the Samford Valley region has been very limited in terms of new housing options designed specifically for seniors, so the completion of our Samford Grove expansion is a great outcome for local community,” Mr Brown said.

“The overwhelmingly positive feedback we continue to receive from our residents is a testament to what Reside has delivered here and we are extremely proud of the new Samford Grove.”

Mr Dutton said communities such as Samford Grove allowed more people to live their best lives in retirement while enjoying the great lifestyle on offer in the Samford Valley.

“Call me biased, but there’s nowhere in Australia better to live than my electorate of Dickson and Samford has always been one of the most attractive locations within this great region,” he said.

“I congratulate Reside Communities on the completion of Samford Grove and wish all the residents a happy, relaxing and well-earned retirement.”